Thursday, January 10, 2013

My limbs seem made of lead

This morning was comprised of meetings all about what to expect when we live in the village.  We even had a session about what to do if we see various animals in our travels (moose, wolf, bear, moose, caribou ect...)  For most of these things you are supposed to make noise, back away slowly, and in the worst case scenario,  you are supposed to try and fight off these animals.  That's right people, in the absolutely worst case, I am supposed to fight off the bear/moose/wolf/caribou with my bare hands.  Don't worry, I'm sure it will be fine.

After our meetings today, the girls and I went out for a walk around the lodge.

I even saw a moose.

See!  That was actually the start to the trail we walked, Moose Meadows.  The trail is so beautiful.  We cross country skied part of it yesterday.  Walking it was equally as beautiful.

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